The Short Happy Life of the Brown Oxford and Other Classic Stories The Collected Stories of Philip K Dick Vol 1 Vol 1 Philip K Dick Roger Zelazny Steven Owen Godersky 9780806511535 Books
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The Short Happy Life of the Brown Oxford and Other Classic Stories The Collected Stories of Philip K Dick Vol 1 Vol 1 Philip K Dick Roger Zelazny Steven Owen Godersky 9780806511535 Books
The 25 stories contained in this first volume of short stories were very good. You can tell by his writing that he's just getting started as a prominent author in these shorts. Most of them are alright and okay. His theme's of time travel, who?, and what is real and not are typical throughout this volume. Although his first fantasy short is contained here, "The King Of The Elves." If your a huge fan of PKD, then you must read these, if not, start with his other volumes, I suggest "We Can Remember It For You Wholesale", or "Paycheck."Notable personal favorites here are: "The Gun", "The Infinites", "The Crystal Crypt" and the very popular shorts, "The Variable Man" and "Beyond Lies The Wub." "Paycheck" is contained as well(inspiration for the movie with Ben Affleck and Uma Thurman.)
25 Stories here include: 1)Stability 2)Roog 3)The Little Movement 4)Beyond Lies The Wub 5)The Gun 6)The Skull 7)The Defenders 8)Mr.Spaceship 9)Piper In The Woods 10)The Infinites 11)The Preserving Machine 12)Expendable 13)The Variable Man 14)The Indefatigable Frog 15)The Crystal Crypt 16)The Short Happy Life Of The Brown Oxford 17)The Builder 18)Meddler 19)Paycheck 20)The Great C 21)Out In The Garden 22)The King Of The Elves 23)Colony 24)Prize Ship 25)Nanny
Tags : The Short Happy Life of the Brown Oxford and Other Classic Stories (The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick, Vol. 1) (Vol 1) [Philip K. Dick, Roger Zelazny, Steven Owen Godersky] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. With this collection of stories, readers are drawn into a world with a mysterious twist, a sense of otherness that eludes description. This thought-provoking writing--part science fiction,Philip K. Dick, Roger Zelazny, Steven Owen Godersky,The Short Happy Life of the Brown Oxford and Other Classic Stories (The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick, Vol. 1) (Vol 1),Citadel,0806511532,Science Fiction - Collections & Anthologies,Science fiction, American.,AMERICAN SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY,Crime & mystery,DICK, PHILIP K. - PROSE & CRITICISM,Fiction,Fiction - Science Fiction,Fiction Science Fiction Collections & Anthologies,Fiction anthologies & collections,Fiction-Science Fiction,GENERAL,ScholarlyUndergraduate,Science Fiction,Science Fiction - Short Stories,Science fiction, American,Sets, 1st only,United States
The Short Happy Life of the Brown Oxford and Other Classic Stories The Collected Stories of Philip K Dick Vol 1 Vol 1 Philip K Dick Roger Zelazny Steven Owen Godersky 9780806511535 Books Reviews
Phillip K Dick had many cute ideas. He was an original. Still many of his stories and boring and painful to read. The "Brown Oxford" about a shoe that goes wandering off on its own seemed just stupid to me and made me wonder if the author was on drugs when he wrote it. There are some very original ideas here, but there is little wheat and a lot of chaff in these pages.
Reading the collected short stories - Volumes 1 through 5 - is like watching the old Twilight Zone. Weird and wonderful stuff!
love philip k dick
I enjoy his stories
Dick was out there from the beginning. Awesome stories and ideas from the great storyteller when he was in his early days
There are three consistent aspects to PKD's (Philip Dick's) work that I find compelling
1. He constantly asks the (most important) question, "What is the nature of reality"?
2. He repeatedly states and offers evidence that the answer to the question "What does it mean to be human?" is the ability to feel empathy.
3. His plots involve such "ordinary" people, and have excellent character development - so you quickly get to understand them. Meanwhile, the story involves some bizarre science fiction device , idea, or condition, that he makes a part of this very normal human's world. You're quickly drawn in by the master.
PKD spent a significant amount of time thinking and writing about philosophy. In a way, reading his stories is an entertaining way of doing a survey of his take on the world's philosophical history without having to read (and understand) endless tomes of the great philosophers. You can see how this changes in PKD as you read different books in the Collected Stories series.
Philip makes it abundantly clear that he hates much of the stupidity that mankind inflicts on itself. War is a commonly expressed example of this. Of course, with the science fiction plot theme, he can easily spread examples of this through time, through the galaxy, and beyond (even to gods, other sentient races, etc).
As is tragically true so often with deep thinkers, Philip's life was far from carefree...As a consequence, and the fact that he's obviously a man bent on searching for TRUTH, his writing often has a dark underlying feeling. Comedy is sprinkled through the stories, but it too has a dark quality. Even the moments of greatest joy provide a somewhat bittersweet feeling, due to the background of the plot worlds. But again - reading PKD is not a dose of happy-pills, it is about TRUTH, whether pretty or not.
No matter who you are, these stories will make you think and I suspect learn a thing or two. They cover such a variety of plots that almost everyone is bound to be pleased by some, alarmed or saddened by others, and to feel a surge of empathy for some situations and realize that (bizarre as the situation may be) - this too is human.
I think it would be truly impossible for any thinking person to read and reflect on the 118 stories in the 5 volume series and come away completely unchanged. And for the vast majority of us (to borrow a PKD novel title) "Cosmic Puppets" with empathic capabilities, I'm betting the change will be for the better...
PKD often had fascinating ideas that he couldn't quite execute fully in his longer works- where he often literally lost the plot- so there shorter stories work perfectly to let the reader see the scope of his ideas and wild imagination before the narrative falls apart as sometimes happened with PKD in his longer pieces. Well worth the read- as no one before or since has thought quite like this author did, and that comes through very clearly in his shorter works. Dive in and try one story- see if it makes you think or feel. If not you can try another- they're short. You may recognize some of the stories from this series that were later made into film.
The 25 stories contained in this first volume of short stories were very good. You can tell by his writing that he's just getting started as a prominent author in these shorts. Most of them are alright and okay. His theme's of time travel, who?, and what is real and not are typical throughout this volume. Although his first fantasy short is contained here, "The King Of The Elves." If your a huge fan of PKD, then you must read these, if not, start with his other volumes, I suggest "We Can Remember It For You Wholesale", or "Paycheck."
Notable personal favorites here are "The Gun", "The Infinites", "The Crystal Crypt" and the very popular shorts, "The Variable Man" and "Beyond Lies The Wub." "Paycheck" is contained as well(inspiration for the movie with Ben Affleck and Uma Thurman.)
25 Stories here include 1)Stability 2)Roog 3)The Little Movement 4)Beyond Lies The Wub 5)The Gun 6)The Skull 7)The Defenders 8)Mr.Spaceship 9)Piper In The Woods 10)The Infinites 11)The Preserving Machine 12)Expendable 13)The Variable Man 14)The Indefatigable Frog 15)The Crystal Crypt 16)The Short Happy Life Of The Brown Oxford 17)The Builder 18)Meddler 19)Paycheck 20)The Great C 21)Out In The Garden 22)The King Of The Elves 23)Colony 24)Prize Ship 25)Nanny
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